Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it costs?
​​Course fees payable for each Stage individually for 2025:
Stage 1: £4,500 +VAT
Stage 2: £6,000 +VAT
Stage 3: £7,000 +VAT
All three Stages, paid together, in advance, are offered at a discounted rate of: £15,500 +VAT, a saving of £2000!
Not only does paying up-front attract a great discount, this also locks in your costs for all three stages, avoiding any annual increases to the cost per Stage.
Fees for each Stage can be paid in instalments.
An initial payment of 30% is required to cover all of our upfront costs, followed by 10 further monthly instalments to cover the balance.
The option to pay by instalments is subject to an administration fee of £100.
All course fees are subject to annual revision.
We accept most major debit or credit cards.
(Unfortunately we are unable to accept American Express.)
​VAT REGISTRATION: 479 6152 48
Are there any hidden costs?
There are no hidden costs. However, there are some additional costs to consider:
You will be expected to meet the cost of travelling to face-to-face practical training and clinical placements.
You will be asked to take out student insurance to cover your case study work. This usually costs less than £100 per annum.
You will be required to hold, or be working towards, a relevant animal first aid certificate.
You may want to purchase some textbooks or other learning resources. This should be minimal as the course materials are extensive and cover everything you need to know. You will be provided with a reading list, and a great deal of the reading material will be internet based, or accessible free of charge, but there are one or two key texts that are worth investing in.
There will be some equipment that you’ll need to purchase (for example, a step/box to stand on when treating horses), and if you don’t already have it, suitable clothing and footwear for practical training days with horses and dogs.
On rare occasions, if a student has to repeat an assessment more than twice in order to achieve a pass, a reassessment fee may be chargeable. Full details are provided in our Learner Agreement.
On graduation, should you choose to join RAMP, IRVAP or any other professional associations or registers, any charges associated with this are your responsibility.
Where will I have to go, and how often, for my practical training?
Practical training will take place at various locations on various dates offering you a degree of choice and flexibility. If you can’t make a particular date, that’s OK, that practical session will be offered again on a different date/at an alternative location.
​Practical Training is broken down into Clinical Tuition, Internal Placement “Clinic” days, External Placement (shadowing other practicing physios), Work Experience (shadowing other professionals) and Case Study work.
Clinical Tuition and Internal Placements days are held at a range of locations. You will need to travel for these days. There are between 14 and 18 such days in the various Stages/Levels. These days are often arranged in blocks to help facilitate travel.
External Placements and Work Experience can be arranged in your own locale. There are between 7 and 10 such days in the various Stages/Levels.
Our practical training IS NOT outsourced to third party providers. Clinical Tuition and Internal Placements are arranged and delivered by the Academy teaching team.
When does the course start?
You can start the course at any time, subject to successful completion of the application process. Once enrolled, you will immediately have access to your learning materials and can get started. Lectures and practical training are offered on an ongoing basis.
How long is the course?
The courses can be undertaken at your own pace. It is anticipated that Stage 1 could be achievable in 9-12 months, Stage 2 in around 12-18 months, Stage 3 in 12-24 months, but this is flexible and you can progress as fast or a slowly as you wish within the overall registration periods specified within the Learner Agreement (detailed below).
As soon as you are accepted onto the course, all of the theory content is made available to you to work through at your own pace.
The theory content is supported by online lectures. The entire lecture programme for each Stage repeats approximately 3 times each year. The entire practical training schedule for each Stage repeats approximately 3 time each year.
The rationale for this, is that at whatever point you join the course, you can get started with your learning straight away, and you can access the practical training and lectures without having to wait too long. It also means that there will always be a choice of dates and times and multiple options for you to attend each lecture or practical day on an ongoing basis.
Is there a deadline for completing my course?
You can complete the course at a pace to suit you, within the overall deadlines. From the point of registration on each stage you will have:
24 months to complete Stage 1
A further 30 months to complete Stage 2
A further 36 months to complete Stage 3
Should you not be able to complete the course within the overall timescales, consideration will be given to individual circumstances and learners can be re-registered. Our aim is to see you qualified and successful, we'll do what we can to facilitate this happening.
How much can I earn once qualified?
Starting salaries are around £18,500 a year. Experienced animal therapists (with more than five years' experience) can earn £20,000 to £25,000. Senior veterinary physiotherapists and consultants may earn up to £65,000 a year.
Many animal physiotherapists are self-employed and charge per appointment, which typically lasts one hour. Rates start from around £25 per appointment and reach £70 for longer appointments or more complex procedures.
SOURCE: Prospects Job-Profiles
We would typically expect a Sports Massage Therapist to charge between £25 and £50 per appointment. For Sports Massage and Rehabilitation, £30-£60 per appointment. For Veterinary Physiotherapy, £40-£75 per appointment. With the addition of some specialist equipment, anything up to £100 per appointment.
Fees depend on species and whether people come to you, or you travel to them.
Depending on species and travel, once established, you could expect to see between 5 and 10 appointments a day.
Do I have to find my own placement/work experience?
As part of the course, you will be required to undertake some internal clinical placement days and some external clinical placement days and some work experience days.
Internal clinical placement days are arranged by us.
​External clinical placement days are with qualified veterinary physiotherapists who meet certain criteria. We will provide you with a list of contacts, or you may find your own, as long as they are suitably qualified. We pay the veterinary physiotherapist for providing you with clinical placement days.
Work experience, or work shadowing is undertaken with other professionals, ie vets, farriers, saddle fitters, hydrotherapists etc. You are expected to source this yourself, around 4-5 days in total for each Stage. This is a great way to start building up your contacts in your local area. We do not pay for work experience.
Is this an online course?
No, our courses are far more than simply online courses.
Our qualifications are delivered through a flexible, accessible, blended-learning approach.
This approach utilises a learning platform where you can access course materials at any time, from anywhere with an internet connection, via a computer, or via the app. Course materials include core theory content, text, presentations and tutorials, videos and other supporting resources.
This is combined with live lectures and study groups, delivered remotely, so there is no need to travel for these.
Alongside the learning platform and supporting live lectures and study groups, you will attend face-to-face practical training and clinical placements with our experienced tutors.
You will also receive one-to-one coaching and support throughout your studies.
Our qualifications are designed to be affordable, flexible, accessible and achievable.
There are cheaper courses available… why should I chose this one?
Yes, there are cheaper courses available.
When comparing courses, check that the course is listed on the Recognised Qualification Framework (RQF).
Also, ask about actual contact teaching time and the level of support available. Whatever the quoted “GLH” (see below), how much help and support will you actually receive? How much time will you actually get with your tutors?
Also, check what the requirements are for you to have to find your own work placements and clinical practice. Is the course providing these, or are you expected to find your own?
Our qualifications are regulated qualifications listed on the RQF and approved/recognised by the Register of Animal Musculoskeletal Practitioners (RAMP) a voluntary Industry Regulatory Body recognised by DEFRA.
Our courses are accredited by IRVAP, the Institute of Registered Veterinary and Animal Physiotherapists.
Graduates of our Level 6 qualification in Veterinary Physiotherapy can join IRVAP under the VETERINARY PHYSIOTHERAPIST MEMBER category and use the post nominals MIRVAP (VP).
Graduates of our Level 4 and 5 qualifications can join IRVAP under the MANUAL THERAPIST MEMBER category and can use the post nominals MIRVAP (MT).
Our Learners can join IRVAP under the Student Membership scheme.
We offer a high level of actual contact hours, delivered in a highly flexible way, to ensure that you can get the very best out of your learning with us. We hold study groups weekly, at varying times, on varying days, to try and ensure that you can always access support. And of course, the office team is on hand to help and support you. We don't only work core hours, Monday to Friday.
Yes, there are cheaper courses available, there are also more expensive options.
The forecast average debt among the cohort of borrowers (student loans) for those starting university in 2023/24 is £42,900 by the time they complete their course.
Taking into account tuition fees and other related expenses, we believe that we are roughly half the price of going away to university to complete a Degree level qualification in Veterinary Physiotherapy.
We have structured the course in such a way as to give you the opportunity to begin earning whilst you continue to learn. We understand that life, and learning are expensive. Once you have qualified from the Level 4, Stage 1, you can being to earn some income as an Animal Massage Therapist/Practitioner. This also allows you to begin to create a portfolio of evidence and practical experience, whilst building your client base, kickstarting your future career.
Can I choose to study just one species?
Our course covers multiple species. Whilst we focus mainly on horses and dogs, the course also covers farm animals and other small companion animals.
The majority of the Veterinary Physiotherapy courses run by universities, at both Degree and Postgraduate level are all multi-species. Our aim is to offer a degree equivalent course that is the equal of those offered at various universities.
Lots of students begin thinking they only want to specialise in one species, but for any number of reasons, choose to change direction later in their career. We feel it is important to give you a strong but flexible foundation for your future career.
How do I apply?
You can apply by completing our application form and returning this to us along with your proof of ID, proof of qualifications and your references. If your applcation meets the minimum entry criteria you will then be invited to an interview. See the APPLY NOW page for moe information.
What are the entry requirements?
A minimum of 18 years of age.
Be capable of working at a Level 4 standard or above (equivalent to 1st year degree/Foundation degree level)
Hold a Level 3 or above qualification in a relevant subject area (nursing, vet nursing, hydrotherapy, grooming, BHS for example. This is not an exhaustve list.)
Have significant demonstrable evidenced relevant animal experience.
You must be able to evidence 100 hours of pre-requisite animal handling experience. This must include a balance of canine and equine and can include up to 10 hours of other species (pet ownership is not sufficient to meet this criteria).
GCSEs A*-C/Grade 4 or above to include Mathematics, English Language and Science or equivalent are desirable
You will be required to hold, or be working towards, a relevant animal first aid certificate.
To undertake Stage 2 (Level 5), you must have completed the Stage 1 (Level 4) course as a pre-requisite.
To undertake Stage 3 (Level 6), you must have completed the Stage 2 (Level 5) course as a pre-requisite.
We operate a Recognition of Prior Learning Policy. If you wish to apply via this route, please get in touch.
If you are unsure whether you meet our entry requirements, please call the office and we can explore this with you in more detail.
These qualifications are new, how do I know that they are any good?
We deliver iPET Network Ltd Qualifications. iPET Network Ltd are an award winning, Ofqual regulated Awarding Organisation. The iPET Network Ltd qualifications that we deliver are listed on the RQF. This ensures that the qualifications are at the correct level, are easily comparable to other regulated qualifications, and are widely recognised and accepted.
As a training provider we are a RAMP Accredited Education Provider and a RAMP Recognised Education Provider, which means that our courses have been carefully scrutinised by RAMP.
Our courses are approved by the Institute of Registered Veterinary & Animal Physiotherapists (IRVAP). Graduates of our Level 6 qualification in Veterinary Physiotherapy will be eligible to apply for IRVAP membership and will be permitted to use the post nominals MIRVAP. Graduates of our Level 4 and 5 qualifications will be eligible to join IRVAP within the Manual Therapist category.
What do we mean by regulated/recognised/approved/accredited qualifications?
"Regulated" refers to qualifications available through an Ofqual Regulated Awarding Organisation.
A regulated qualification will have an Ofqual number and you should be able to obtain a copy of the Qualification Handbook.
Approved and Accredited could mean many different things depending on the organisations approving and accrediting, and the status they hold. The important thing is that your course appears on the Recognised Qualification Framework (RQF).
We refer to being accredited by RAMP, a voluntary industry register and DEFRA recognised Industry Regulating Body, which means that our course meets the industry gold standards required for membership of the RAMP Register. Not only will our course lead to a recognised qualification, it will also enable you to join this prominent industry register.
We refer to our courses being approved by IRVAP, the Institute of Registered Veterinary & Animal Physiotherapists (IRVAP). IRVAP are a prominent Professional Association, representing highly skilled and qualified practitioners across the industry. High standards in professionalism and clinical proficiency are assured through IRVAP’s stringent accredited registration process.
What do the various levels mean?
Qualification levels are clearly defined by Ofqual. Click HERE for more information.
What do TQT, GLH and Directed Learning mean?
These are terms used to classify certain elements of qualifications.
Total Qualification Time (TQT):
This is the total number of hours it is expected someone will take to complete the qualification. This includes everything, including your own study time and revision, for example.
Guided Learning Hours (GLH):
These are the number of hours that you will actually be taught be someone “live”, whether that is face-to-face or online or are recieving one-to-one support from a tutor. It means that you are able to actually interact with the person in real time.
Directed Learning Hours:
These are the hours where you will be spending time working though learning resources and training material, working on set topics, tasks and assignments.
Lots of training providers also include “directed learning hours” under GLH (where you are given content or direction to undertake tasks etc, but not face-to-face with a tutor). We class these separately as technically they are not GLH. When comparing qualifications GLH, always ask how this is actually being delivered - is it really GLH, are you really getting that much live, real-time support? Our GLH may appear lower than some courses advertised, firstly because we classify GLH and directed hours separately, and secondly, our courses are designed to be flexible. We use a lot of directed learning allowing you to access this in your own time, at your convenience to ensure that we maintain our goals of flexibility and accessibility.
Do I have to be a human trained physiotherapist to be a veterinary physiotherapist?
No. Whilst one route into the profession is to train in human physiotherapy first, it is not a requirement. Our course is designed to give you the full end-to-end training required for a career with animals.
Can I call myself a Physiotherapist?
The title Physiotherapist is a protected tile.
Article 39(1) of the Health Professions Order 2001 makes it a criminal offence for a person, with intent to deceive (whether clearly or by implication) to use a designated title to which they are not entitled (HCPC)
However, you are entitled to use the title Veterinary Physiotherapist, or Animal Physiotherapist as there is a clear distinction that clarifies that you are not treating people.
The titles Veterinary or Animal Physiotherapist are not currently regulated, which means, in theory anyone can call themselves these titles. This is why we are committed to voluntary regulation with organisations such as RAMP and strongly recommend that our graduates register with RAMP (or AHPR), and join a Professional Association such as IRVAP in order to set themselves apart.